Book Review: “God and Stephen Hawking. Whose design is it anyway? By John C. Lennox



There have been many discussions and debates about Evolution and the existence of God, that many Christian writers had declared war against the scientific genius’ of the 20th and 21st Century.  Alistair McGrath has written a book called ‘The Dawkins Delusion’ to contradict Richard Dawkins book called the ‘God Delusion’. Dawkins is trying to convince the world that God doesn’t exist, and if he does, we don’t need him!  McGrath responds that Dawkins is a hypocrite of science and reason, because he can’t except that God does exist.

John Lennox is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford; and he has debated against Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens in many situations, but he now concentrates on Stephen Hawking.

 He has written this light read to explore and to expose the falseness in Stephen Hawking’s new blockbuster, ‘The Grand Design’. Stephen Hawking is trying to promote the ‘New Atheism’ by claiming that the laws of physics themselves brought the universe into being rather than God.   Hawking’s says “Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch-paper and set the universe going”

Lennox takes a closer look at the logic behind Hawking’s theory.    

Lennox writes 5 tidy Chapters with a rounding conclusion; and his style is easy to read, so you don’t need a 1st class honours degree in Physics or Theology to understand the main points.

Chapter 1: The Big Questions 

Lennox is trying to establish the big questions that Hawking’s wants to answer in his book. He highlights that Hawking is trying to answer philosophical questions by using scientific explanations rather than Philosophical reasons. Lennox argues that the questions Hawking is trying to answer are specifically philosophical questions that can only be answered from a philosophical point of view.  

Chapter 2: God or the Laws of nature

This is Lennox attack against the theory of Hawking.  Hawking argues that it is by gravity that the whole cosmos came to be, but Lennox argues that in science, you need a substance in order to get a process and result so, who created gravity? Hawking’s fails to answer it.

Chapter 3: God or the multiverse?

This is where Hawking looks like a fool, because he says that there are many universes, and he believes that we have an identical universe somewhere in space. This is not a debate about the existence of God. God could create another universe if he wanted to, but Hawking here doesn’t deny God, but questions his own logic.

Chapter 4: Whose design is it anyway?

Hawking is trying to prove that the universe was created by the force of gravity, and that gravity is the grand designer. Like in chapter 2, Lennox argues that Hawking forgets that he needs to explain where gravity comes from. This makes his argument invalid. There is only one creator and that is God.

Chapter 5: Science and rationality

Lennox describes in this chapter, the existence of God. He highlights Hawking’s misuse of science. He explains that there is more proof about the existence of God outside of science than science can disprove God. Hawking forgets that a fundamental characteristic of God is that he is a personal God, and that he can’t be exposed from every individual because that is impossible!!

Lennox concludes the book briefly by saying “I hope that for many of you this investigation of Hawking’s atheistic belief system will serve to confirm your faith in God… that it will encourage you not to be ashamed of bringing God into the public square by joining in the debate yourself”

This book is a must read if you want to continue with the live debate that is going around the world today. Get yourself equipped to face the atheism in your area/street, and be a living warrior to defend the faith we all believe and live in.